3D CAD Fundamental


There have many three-dimensional shape of the object in your brain that are wanted to share, but do not know how to express? How to “sketch” the three-dimensional image in your mind? 3D modeling technology can help us construct the most intuitive and understandable three-dimensional model. The use of floor plan interpret the three-dimensional object process-the most direct and effective expression of our ideas. We have designed many paradigms so that people can quickly understand the logic of using 3D CAD software Sketchup and drawing skills, from introduction to advanced, and introduce SketchUp 3D modeling technologies. After completing “3D CAD Fundamental”, it is no longer difficult to draw ideas that are beyond imagination with 3D modeling technology! The goal of this course is to construct a three-dimensional model, with the computer as the main teaching material, to enrich the fun paradigm and the complete drawing process. Step-by-step teach you how to use Sketchup’s 3D modeling software technology. With the completion of “3D CAD Fundamental”, you will be able to realize the 3D objects that exist in the imagination through 3D modeling!

What you will learn

Initiation: Prepare for the class

This module includes the course syllabus, grading policy and tips to learn Sketchup well. It also includes the first step of learning, installation of Sketchup.

Magic Cube: familiar with [Line], [Divide], [Push/Pull], [Tape Measure] and [Guides]

Here comes the first example, magic cube. The purpose of this module is to help learners be familiar with basic tools in Sketchup, including [Line], [Divide], [Push/Pull], [Tape Measure] and [Guides]. In this module, we will start drawing a cube, then reformed it into steps by using [Divide], create another cube by using [Push/Pull], and finally make a hole on the cube by combining [Push/Pull], [Tape Measure] and [Guides].

Toy House: familiar with [Move] and [Arcs]

The second example, toy house is designed for learners to be familiar with [Move] and [Arcs]. Inclined roof is a highlight in the example. Learners will understand how to add objects not perpendicular to the reference surface. The module also includes the methods of using [Arcs].

Beach Ball: familiar with [Circle], [Follow me], [Rotate] and [Paint Bucket]

The third example, Beach ball is designed for learners to be familiar with [Circle], [Follow me], [Rotate] and [Paint Bucket]. Learners will understand how to draw a sphere using [Circle] and [Follow Me], how to use [Rotate] and [Copy] to draw the surface of the sphere and how to use selection tricks to delete all the unnecessary planes. The module also includes the methods of using [Paint bucket] to finish the beach ball.

What’s included