Business English: Capstone Project


The capstone project will give you opportunities to demonstrate your competence in the learning objectives for this Specialization. For the project, you’ll use formal, written methods and more casual visual and audio methods of communication to demonstrate your ability to use language appropriate for different business contexts. The goal of this course is to demonstrate competence in writing and presenting a plan using skills and language appropriate for business.

Course Learning Objectives
• Use appropriate vocabulary to write a mini business plan
• Communicate a business plan orally in an organized and engaging presentation

What you will learn

Week 1: Introduction to Capstone Project

In Week 1, we will review some of the content from previous Business English courses. We will also introduce what you need to do to finish the Capstone project.

Week 2: Describing Company and Product or Service

In Week 2, you will review how to describe a product or service, how to introduce yourself in networking, and complete a peer review assignment.

Week 3: Business Plans

In Week 3, we will review business plans and then introduce you to the concept of a mini-business plan for your final project.

Week 4: Marketing Ideas

In Week 4, you will go over marketing ideas financial vocabulary, and review lectures on making presentations.

What’s included