Conflict Transformation


This course introduces you to the concept of conflict transformation and how it differs from conflict resolution, management, and prevention. We’ll see how conflict offers opportunities for constructive change, and we’ll explore different tools and methods for engaging conflict constructively.

Regardless of your familiarity with the topic, you’ll get insightful tips, portable handouts, lively demonstrations, and personalized assignments to bridge and enhance your own knowledge and history within the conflict narrative. In any area of your life, you’ll benefit from the practical techniques and transferable information offered throughout this five-week journey.

What you will learn

Conflict As an Opportunity?

This module uncovers a deeper awareness of what conflict is, its underlying opportunities, and the concept of conflict transformation.

Know Thyself: How Do You Respond to Conflict and Why Do You Respond That Way?

This module looks at a self-assessment instrument, the conflict styles, and how your body and brain respond to conflict.

What in the World Is Going On? Analyzing Conflict

This module explores conflict analysis and three analysis tools.

Doing Well in the Middle

This module will discuss mediation and circle processes and guidelines for facilitating or participating in one of these processes.

What’s included