Ferrous Technology I


Steel, ever-evolving material, has been the most preeminent of all materials since it can provide wide range of properties that can meet ever-changing requirements. In this course, we explore both fundamental and technical issues related to steels, including iron and steelmaking, microstructure and phase transformation, and their properties and applications.

What you will learn

Introduction to iron and steels

This course introduces the very first history of iron and steel. You will learn from where iron came from to the first production of iron by human industry. Information on the basic concept of iron and steel will be covered.

Ferrous metallurgy and steel industry

This course explains the development of steel industry with the timeline on the history of iron and steel making processes. Information on the world production of steels and the importance of steel industry will also be treated.

Iron and steelmaking I: Ironmaking and raw materials

The next four courses cover the whole steel production process. This particular course covers the ironmaking from raw materials. Processes from the pretreatment of raw materials to the reaction inside the blast furnace are treated. Alternative ironmaking process to reduce the environmental problems will also be introduced.

Iron and steelmaking II: Pretreatment and BOF steelmaking

This course handles the steel making process which is converting the hot metal formed in the ironmaking process into steel. Hot metal pretreatment to decrease some of the impurities, and basic oxygen furnace (BOF) process to reach the required composition will be treated in detail. Related reactions and technics are also introduced.

What’s included