Population Health: Alternative Payment Models


The way we currently pay our care providers lead to suboptimal outcomes and unnecessary spending. Consequently, we fail to maximize the value of our health care services. We need to change provider payment models in order to keep health care systems financial sustainability. Doing nothing is not an option. But the question is, how do we do it?

During this course, we will discuss the rationale for payment reforms and dive into the key design elements of Alternative Payment Models (APMs) and how they change care provider incentives. You will learn about a roadmap to design and implement APMs on your own. You will learn about behavioural economics and human behaviour which are essential to advance the design and implementation of APMs. After the course you can apply your sharpened skills to lead change in health care via innovative payment models in order to increase value of health care services.
This course is targeted at a variety of professionals in the healthcare sector in order to realise a common language. Are you a provider, board member, working at a public or private payer or researcher working in the health sector, this course is relevant for you!
This Course is part of the to-be-developed Leiden University master program Population Health Management. If you wish to find out more about this program see the last reading of this Course!

What’s included